A Park County Health Coalition Initiative

About Healthy Park County

About Us

An Initiative of Park County Health Coalition

Healthy Park County, an initiative of Park County Health Coalition (PCHC), is an innovative organization committed to mobilizing the community of Park County through awareness, education, and advocacy of health and wellness issues. Through local partnerships, various community outreach events, and an impactful online presence, Healthy Park County provides resources to those who need it the most.

Meet Our Team

The Healthy Park County team is prepared to educate, advocate, and collaborate with the members of our community. With knowledgable experts, you’ll find all the resources you need right here.

"When stakeholders from across the spectrum of our communities come together with a common purpose, great strides can be obtained to strengthen the health and wellbeing of our communities."

Chief Roy Eckerdt, Powell Police Department
Our History

Our History

The Park County Health Coalition began in 1991 as two separate entities in Powell and Cody. Their goals were to tackle the communities’ health concerns within Park County as a whole.

While they were initially concerned about health care costs, both coalitions have shifted goals throughout the years as their community issues became more evident.

In 1994, the Cody and Powell coalitions were merged to form the Park County Health Coalition. Having received many grants throughout the years, the coalition has had the opportunity to focus on a number of pressing issues including motor vehicle crashes, seat belt initiatives, smoke-free public environments, health and wellness education, alcohol prevention, and more.

The Park County Health Coalition has been successful in bringing various issues to light within the community through educational gatherings held almost every year since 2001.

Today, the Park County Health Coalition has started a new journey with Healthy Park County – a program providing the necessary prevention resources, tools, and programs to support healthy lifestyles in Park County.